Cancer Ministry Directory Listing
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This page is a listing of Ministries and Faith Based Organizations that provides a Faith Based Cancer Patient Navigation services or provides Cancer Resource or Cancer Ministry services/support. Your sisters and brothers in Christ are here to serve you. Free Cancer Patient Resource Navigation, Cancer support groups, Prayer hotline, Prayer groups, Church services, free Cancer screening onsite and educational Cancer workshops on prevention, early detection and more. Tell a friend to join or share the Directory listing with friends.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for
Good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
(Romans 8:28 NIV)
Honor and privileged to be trained by Harold P. Freeman, MD. He pioneered the patient navigation concept and model which addresses disparities in access to timely diagnosis and treatment, particularly among poor and uninsured people. The first Patient Navigation program began in 1990.
Meet Our Ministry Faith Based Cancer
Patient Resource Navigators:
for Faith based organizations and multi-cultural ministries. Members and Leaders are welcome to join our 2 hour workshop series.
What is Faith Based Cancer Patient Resource Navigation?
HELP to eliminate barriers to timely Cancer Care so the patient can focus on their health and well being.
Ministries will provide free services: Cancer resource, free screening information, referrals and spiritual support for patients, family
and caregivers.
The need for Faith Based Cancer Patient Resource Navigation
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 69% of cancer patients say they pray for their health.
The Journal of the American Cancer Society, suggests a link between religious or spiritual beliefs and better physical health reported among patients with cancer.
The National Health Interview Survey found that 69% of cancer patients reported praying for their health compared to 45% of the general U.S. population.
Receive more timely diagnosis
Receive more timely treatment
Have access to spiritual guidance, prayer, free Cancer resources, referrals for Cancer survivors, patients, family & caregivers.
Receive more information and education relating to treatment and cancer-preventive lifestyle behaviors
More satisfaction with the health care system experience
List your Ministries services, spiritual support or resources for Cancer patients, survivors and their families in our directory to be a blessing to all who are in need. Join our Cancer Ministry Network to help save lives one community at a time!
Free Cancer Patient Resource Navigation Workshop Series for Ministries and Faith Based organizations! Sign Up Today!
Sign up for a Free Faith Based Cancer Resource Navigation Workshop Series and learn how to provide Cancer patient resource navigation for your ministry/community. Sign up today and a representative will contact you.
Only Post up to 4 of your social media links.
Thank you for signing up for the Faith Based Cancer Patient Resource Navigation Workshop Series. May God Bless you and all you do.
HARLEM, New York
Name of Ministry: New York City Church Of Christ
Ministry Leader: Warren's
Mailing Address: City College
Aaron Davis Hall 135th Convent
Cancer Patient Navigator: Travis Thomas
Navigator Email:
Cancer Services Provided: Cancer Patient Resource Navigation, Prayer, Bible Study, Outreach, resources and referrals
BRONX, New York
Name of Ministry: Captain A- Fighting War On Cancer
Ministry Leader: Chaplin Annette C. DeJesus
Mailing Address: 2038 Davidson Avenue
Bronx, NY 10453
Telephone: (718) 314 - 8248
Cancer Services Provided: Cancer Patient Resource Navigation services (in the Bronx, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico) Prayer, Outreach, resources and referrals
Facebook: @caftwoc
LONDON, Connecticut
Name of Ministry: Outreach for the unreached Soul Winning Ministry
Ministry Leader: Pastor Reginald & Evangelist Saadia Dublin
Mailing Address: PO Box 5208 Groton, CT 06349-5208
Telephone: (860) 705-0042
Email: N/A
Cancer Services Provided: Cancer Patient Resource Navigation,
Prayer, Outreach, resources and referrals
Website: N/A
Facebook: outreach-for-the-unreached-soul-winning-ministry
Name of Ministry: Greater Universal Baptist Church
Ministry Leader: Reverend Daniel Dupree
Address: 253 East 153rd street (between Morris & Park Ave.)
Bronx, NY 10451
Telephone: (718) 292-8640
Cancer Services Provided: Cancer Patient Resource Navigation,
Prayer Hotline, Outreach, resources and pantry
Service: Sunday Morning Worship: 10:45 am
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 1:00 pm
Spiritual Enrichment Hour: 7:00 pm
Facebook: @greateruniversalbaptistchurch
Name of Ministry: Church of God's Children
Ministry Leader: Bishop Angelo M. Rosario
Address: 127 Dreiser Loop, Bronx, NY 10475
Telephone: (718) 790-9120
Cancer Services Provided: Prayer, support, resources
Website: N/A
Service: Sunday Spanish Worship 9:30am/ English 1:00pm
Tuesday Bible Study: 7:00 pm and Wednesday Prayer 7:30pm
Thursday Bible Study: 7:00 pm
Newberry, South Carolina
Name of Ministry: New Vision Ministries
Ministry Leader: Chaplin Tina Belton
Mailing Address: New Vision Ministries
14154 SC-121, Newberry, South Carolina 29108
Kingdom Hearts Inc.
PO Box 54, 1321 College Street, Newberry, SC 29108
Cancer Patient Navigator: Chaplin Tina F. Belton-Pittman , Military Veteran
Founder/CEO Kingdom Hearts Inc. For Women Empowerment
Navigator Email:
Cancer Services Provided: Cancer Patient Resource Navigation, Prayer, Bible Study, Outreach, resources and referrals
Name of Ministry: Agape Love Christian Center
Ministry Leader: Chaplin Tina F. Belton-Pittman
Mailing Address: Agape Love Christian Center
1023 Allerton Avenue, Bronx, NY 10467
Cancer Patient Navigator: Chaplin Tina F. Belton-Pittman, Military Veteran
Founder/CEO Kingdom Hearts Inc. For Women Empowerment
Navigator Email:
Cancer Services Provided: Cancer Patient Resource Navigation, Prayer, Bible Study, Outreach, resources and referrals
This non-fiction book is about the author's son named, Donnie, who was diagnosed with autism on the spectrum. He is smart, loving and creative and he is having his very first nightmare. This book, Donnie's first Nightmare, is the first book in the life of Donnie's series. Donnie is a gifted child who needs more not because he has less but so he could be his very best. This series will be full of fun, laughter, love, learning and adventure for parents and there children. It is an educational, informal and resourceful series. So I welcome you into the life of Donnie displaying his challenges, success and growth.
Written by Donna Thomas
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