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S4LCC "CARE 2 SCREEN 1000" Campaign

S4LCC Cancer ReSource Stations will begin it's 1st 2023 "CARE 2 SCREEN 1000" Campaign before the end of the year. S.A.V.E.D 4 Life Cancer Corporation partnering with Mrs. Allen's Patty Cake to create a Cancer screening initiative to provide information and access to Cancer screenings in Manhattan and the Bronx for the under insured, uninsured and those with insurance. The goal is to navigate 1000 people to Cancer screening including follow up annual screenings, community resources and support services with the help of our community partners and friends. S4LCC Oncology Patient Navigators working in partnership with Hospitals, Mobile Screenings and Cancer Centers can increase access to screening and breakdown the barriers to timely Cancer care. Together We Can SAVE Lives One At A Time! For more information call 914 200-4505 or email

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